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Objective to evaluate the invitro antioxidant activities of various extracts of aerial parts of Chomelia asiatica. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, Nitric oxide radical scavenging activity and and Iron chelating activity with reference standard Ascorbate and EDTA respectively. An IC50 value was found that ethyl acetate extract of Chomelia asiatica was more effective in hydroxyl radical scavenging activity and Nitric oxide radical scavenging activity than that of methanolic and petroleum ether extract. The IC50 values of hydroxyl radical scavenging activity and Nitric oxide radical scavenging activity of the ethyl acetate extract of Chomelia asiatica and ascorbate were found to be 290μg/ml and 280μg/ml and 410 μg/ml respectively. But when compare to the all the three extracts with ascorbate (standard), the ethyl acetate extract of the Chomelia asiatica showed the better result. The ethyl acetate extract of Chomelia asiatica and standard EDTA was effective in iron chelating activity with IC50 values were found to be 190μg/ml and 65μg/ml. All the above invitro studies clearly indicate that the ethyl acetate extract of Chomelia asiatica has a significant antioxidant activity. Conclusion: These invitro assays indicate that this plant extracts is a better source of natural antioxidant, which might be helpful in preventing the progress of various oxidative stresses.

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