Hair vitalizers or other topical hair and scalp preparations are widely used for prevention and treatment of hair fall. There are several preparations available for fair fall, weak limp and damaged hair and receding hairline. The selection of any Hair vitalizer depends on its ability of stimulating and nourishing the hair follicles for hair growth, minimal risk of irritation and allergenicity. REGEN HAIR VITALIZER is nature’s way to achieve healthy strong and luxuriant hair growth. To investigate the efficacy of Regen Hair Vitalizer in the treatment of hair fall, premature hair greying and promoting hair growth. A non-randomized, open-label, non-comparative, prospective clinical study to investigate the efficacy of REGEN HAIR VITALIZER in the treatment of hair fall, premature greying and promoting hair growth. Subjects were evaluated at screening/enrolment, and at the end of treatment. Patients was treated with local application of Regen Hair Vitalizer on the scalp every day for a period of 90 days. Regen Hair Vitalizer has been found to be a safe and effective water based hair vitalizing lotion and excellent for arresting hair fall and promoting hair growth by stimulating hair follicles. It also prevents further premature hair greying.
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