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The Carica papaya (L.) is a steamy fruit that is widely cultivated and obsessive, both for its enjoyable flavor as well as its many pharmacological properties. This plant is commonly known as papaya and in Hindi it is called Papita. It is now cultivated throughout the world and grown in gardens as an ornamental tree. In India it was introduced in the 17th century. Papaya is seen in orange-red, yellow-green and yellow-orange, with a rich orange pulp. The fruit is not just delicious and healthy, but whole plant parts, fruit, roots, bark, peel, seeds and pulp are also known to have medicinal properties. Papaya shoots, latex and juice were used as herbal medicine. Papaya content vitamins A, B and C, proteolytic enzymes like papain and chymopapain which have Antiviral, Antifungal and Antibacterial properties, Papaya is used for treatment of a several diseases like corns, sinuses, eczema, cutaneous tubercles, glandular tumors, blood pressure, dyspepsia, constipation, amenorrhea, general debility, expel worms and stimulate reproductive organs. This review talk about the fruit's origin and few words explore its nutritional and pharmacological attributes.

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